Sunday, 22 December 2013

Smash Advent Calendar - Day 22 - Pit

Day 22 is Pit, and it really looks like Nintendo want to keep this guy as a star of Nintendo right now after his appearance in "Kid Icarus Uprising" on 3DS recently. He first debuted in "Kid Icarus" on the NES in the late 1980s and barely appeared until his surprise announcement in Brawl. Still, he's been a firm favourite since then, so it's no shock to see him return again in Smash 4.

First of all, Pit has changed in appearance a little. This is obviously due to having a new game out, meaning designers have been able to tweak and perfect his image. He now has slightly more anime hair and bigger, cuter eyes than before and some minor details on his costume have been reworked, like fur on his boots. These tiny features have made Pit look so much more appealing than before, demonstrating that a little can go a long way.

Pit was a really fun character to play in Brawl and ranked fairly highly on the tier list. He possessed a great projectile game in his Neutral+B which looks to still be in the game from early screens. This would see Pit firing an arrow which he could control midair - the move was very fast, very flexible and could even be charged, meaning opponents would have a hard time approaching Pit. It'd be good to see this move return in its full glory as this made Pit strong without breaking him.

The new attack effects are so nice to look at!
Pit has actually had some of his moves completely changed, making him one of the most tweaked returning characters. We can safely assume that his Down+B and Side+B have gone as his new moves look to alter or improve the key principles that the old ones held; Side+B was once an attack that saw Pit charge forwards spinning his sword, with good damage and had reflective properties. Now, we see him charge forward and deliver a powerful uppercut, which seems like a solid move with the right mix of risk to smash. This move is inspired by his most recent game. Down+B was once a reflecting shield that came out instantly but only faced in one direction - this is now a reflector similar to Fox's, meaning projectiles from all sides are blocked which is a major buff. again, this comes from his newest game. His Up+B also appears to have changed slightly, one trailer seeing him take off at an angle from the ground rather than straight up, but we've yet to see more than this yet.

Other than his new specials though, Pit seems to remain unchanged in his other attacks. What we need to see from him is more of the same, really, as he was a very strong contender in Brawl, with strengths and drawbacks in equal measure. I really look forward to seeing what Pit can do in Smash 4, and hope to see him used well in tournaments.

What do you think of Pit? A refreshing retro character? Or spamming nuisance? Leave a comment below or leave one on the facebook page.

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