Friday 20 December 2013

Smash Advent Calendar - Day 20 - Wii Fit Trainer

Just 5 days to go until Christmas, and Day 20 is newcomer "Wii Fit Trainer". This character shocked everyone when she was announced, almost more than third party character Mega Man. Still, her trailer showed off what she can do, and many were impressed. This is an overlook of the early things we've seen.

First of all, her animations are very fluid and very clever. She looks like yoga in motion - her posture is impeccable when she runs and jumps and every attack is graceful and utilises a healthy position. Attacks we've seen so far are often moves taken from Wii Fit, including using hula hoops in her Up+B move and smash moves are various positions that players would be told to hold.

Wii Fit Trainer looks like a solid all-rounder. She looks to combine a good speed with good power, meaning that it's up to the player to create a unique playstyle with her that opponents won't see coming. One of her greatest assets is her range - many of her attacks push her range to the limit through yoga and exercise meaning that it's hard for opponents to gauge how far she can reach without good experience playing against her. From the looks of it, several tilts also hit both in front and behind simultaneously making the most of her hands and feet. This is particularly visible in her crouching attack.

Of course, the internet had to make her and the Villager psychopaths too.
One thing I find amazing in her moveset so far is her Up+B. The vertical recovery is intense, flying upwards at incredible speeds. The move also seems to damage opponents who approach from the sides, so we'll see if it has combat uses through juggling or combos in due time. What I find lacking at the moment is her Final Smash - although it makes sense, showing off lots of poses from in the game, it just seems a little lazy being nothing more than a random projectile spam.

Overall, Wii Fit Trainer is looking like a solid, gimmickless character with the potential to be picked up in the competitive scene. It is too early to make any judgements as she has had some of the least attention placed on her compared to the other new characters but I look forward to seeing what else she can do.

What do you think of Wii Fit Trainer? A fun new character? Or a waste of a slot in the roster? Let me know below or join the facebook conversation here.

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